We have just launched our Telegram channel. To be kept in the loop and receive invites, updates, news etc download the Telegram App and follow the link to join :) and remember, you can chat here too, see the link at the bottom of this post.
I have been planning out my year and alongside a rather well-earned personal tour of Greece in September and some sunning of my bum in Tenerife in November I’ve added the following shorter to longer holidays for you lot :) If there is interest I’ll also be adding an island-hopping trek in Scotland in June. The Bavarian Alps tour in February and Iceland tour in July are sold out!
The walking programme is developing apace and we have something going on almost every weekend through Jan, Feb and Mar and more to be added for the rest of the year. I am now able to offer a lift to those without transport, from Cardiff or along the route, for most day-long walks. Spaces are limited so get in early and book your spot!