Boris was wrong when he said the forests are the lungs of the planet
But then he was simply repeating a trope that has been doing the rounds since I was at school, bad form for someone who ought to be informed, don't you think? The thing is trees are just about carbon neutral. They produce oxygen during the day but carbon dioxide at night. They lock up carbon as they grow but when fallen they rot and put that carbon back into the atmosphere. The true carbon killers are the phyto and zooplankton. These little beasts create up to 80% of the planets oxygen whilst near permamently locking away some of the supposed nasty CO2 at the bottom of the ocean. So, it's the oceans that are the lungs of the planet and most certainly, if we want a clean and green planet, we must ensure ocean health. But... Hold your horses...
Like almost everyone, I thought carbon was a bit of a problem. As a boy I was told we were heading into a new ice age, then as a late teen this had morphed into global warming. I remeber a late eighties BBC documentary stating clearly that in 20 years time London would be under water... Not happenned, it's still there. I've witnessed catastrophizing through the nineties and into the new millenium with the 'two minutes to midnight' being annually rolled out. Global warming slid to the sidelines, without fanfare, and became climate change, as there was no discernable rise in temperature for ten years...
This is the kind of graph you will see on the BBC
Scary huh! Pretty conclusive that temperatures are warming and waming rapidly. But reign in your ponies...
Ice core temperatures for the past ten thousand years
As you can clearly see the temperature has been much warmer for most of the past 10,000 years and it has dramatic and wild swings on occassion. Should we really destroy western civilisation because of a belief that humans are the main cause of warming? But it get's worse...
It is a fact that you will not have been taught in school and as an adult the news services will not have made plain to you. Water vapour is the main greenhouse gas. Yep, steam. And carbon dioxide is just 0.04% of the earths atmosphere!!! When I was made aware of this it blew my mind. And now I'll do the math...
If CO2 is just .04% of the earths atmosphere and human activity is responsible for about 3% of that .04% and the UK is responsible for 1% of that 3%... Well, you get where this is going... You would need an electron microscope to measure the sums like this. And the jury really is out on anthropogenic climate change. It's just those scientists that hold opinions contrary to the mainstream are silenced, de-funded and forgotten about. Remember David Bellamy? He was so popular and then he disappeared... It's a little like Stalin's Russia, this world of deplatforming and cancel culture vultures...
Bertrand Russel said that if you hear something from a couple of sources then you believe it. So, if a government ministers says we must tackle climate change and the BBC say the same the majority of people hearing this information, from both sources, will get on board with the climate change agenda.
Now, I'm not promoting an agenda opposed to climate change. Indeed, I want a rewilding of the countryside, a slaughtering of all farmed animals and a return to foraging and game, with managed reforestation to include a wealth of fruit and nuts. What we have done to our green and pleasant land nn the name of farming subsidies to landowners is desertify it, creating monocultures that are fit for just one crop or beast.
I write this piece simply to ask why did we not know that carbon was just 0.04% of the earths atmosphere. I feel sure that many people who currently walk alongside the mainstream narrative would question such, if those that promote the same were clear with their factoids.
Challenge... I stand to be brought back into the climate change believers camp if it can be explainied to me how something that is just 0.04% of the atmosphere can effect global temperatures in a catastrophic change and how it can be a more important driver of the temperature of the earth than the Sun and it's changing solar activity.
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