Weight Loss Walks
No, not really, that was just click bait. But read on as I share with you my journey...
WOW! The power of a good walk! All walks are weight loss walks but some walks shed more pounds than others.
I've never been overweight. My body tends to look after itself - I eat what I like and and my level of daily activity, I guess, generally keeps it all in check.
As a young man, say 21 years old, I was 11 stone. As a more settled adult I have generally been around 11 stone 7 pounds with short periods of fluctuation. So, after periods of inactivity, once in 2005 and again this year, I have 'ballooned' to 12st 7lbs. I don't look actually much different but I notice it as a flabbiness about my middle.
I have achieved that svelte 21 year olds weight once in adult life, and not by design. I was once again 11st exactly after a long summer holiday in France which included a daily run and light meals, because of the heat, of salads and fruit.
Last week I was once again 12st 7lbs.
This week, without dieting, but with lots and lots of walking, I surprisingly, which is why I'm writing this as it is a stunning result, lost 7 of those pounds!
I weighed myself this morning and I am just under 12st!
In two weeks time I have a similar trek planned and I believe that at the end of that walk my weight will be back to it's pre Covid 19 Lockdown level of 11st 7lbs.
I've always believed dieting to be a scam. Indeed it is well proven that dieting only works well once, the first time you go for it. After then your body learns to conserve energy in times of 'famine', it's a survival thing.
The ONLY way to loose those lbs and to maintain a healthy body weight is to take part in and maintain a good level of exercise. And that's where Wales Outdoors comes in!
We offer a programme of walks designed to take you from couch to mountain marathon. Think our four mile Four Waterfalls Walk through to the Welsh Three Peaks Challenge... And we have everything in between.
Now, I'm not saying your fat, but, given a year of house arrest, you know, deep down, that you are ;)
Here's our programme. We're starting to deliver walks from 31st March, end of lockdown or no. We say in 2021 go re-visit your teenage body!