Yes, a long time ago we decided we’d reduce the amount of data that we were sharing with the behemoth that is the Meta empire. WhatsApp is part of that suit of social platforms and so we looked and found the most secure and simple to use communication app out there, Telegram.
Sign up for our bulletin board here
The bulletin board is used a couple of times a week to inform Wales Outdoors fans of our upcoming events, special offers and occasionally some outdoors themed news.
We use Telegram to communicate with all those who sign up for a holiday, be it a simple overnight or a week long tour somewhere exotic. The holiday groups are great for communicating pre trip advice and must know information as well as for those going to get to know each other and. During the trip we use to the app to stay in touch and to share photos.
So, go download the Telegram App and join the bulletin board to be kept in the Wales Outdoors loop :)