Eight Waterfalls
SATURDAY 2ND NOVEMBER 2019 - Andrew Lamb and Isobel Thomas
Doesn't time fly by! I'm writing this and it feels like yesterday but in fact it was a month ago that we walked the waterfalls on a big river day - a day that followed a rather massive downpour and swelled the Nedd and Hepste and Mellte rivers.
You might gather from the pics that it was a wet day but in fact the rain, in most part, held off and the wet was more of a dampness in the air and the full soaking that we received when walking behind Sgwd yr Eira, no hiding from the water there...
Waterfalls gallery
We had to take great care nearer the waters edge for long sections and as always Andy advised all to visit the area a few times a year, to catch the river when it is low and when high and when in sunshine and snow :) Andy gave advice about route finding and apps for your phone that can help guide you round.
We deliver these waterfall walks a few times a month and although they sell out quickly there is usually space for all who want to take part, so long as you have a few dates as options so do...
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