Of interest to some and in the main short reads, these are our posts on LinkedIn aimed at the tourism community but relevant to many who have subscribed to the Wales Outdoors blog. Click on a link to read a short article that takes your interest.
If you’re not on LinkedIn but are a tourism professional then do join up. It has worked well for Wales Outdoors. Connect with Andy and follow Wales Outdoors on LinkedIn too, and you’ll get the posts in your feed.
Airbnb - What A Way To Do Business! A blistering attack on Airbnb treating experience providers like the dirt on their shoe. Read Here
TXGB Is Not The Platform You Were Looking For. A blistering report on the failures of TXGB. Read Here
Wales Outdoors Launch Free Buddy Service. Yes, we’ll remotely care for you while you are on the hill. Read Here
Tourist Tax, The Last Straw? Our thoughts on Welsh Government policy affected tourism businesses in Wales. Read Here
Andy Demands Welsh Government Apology! Following the fulsome victory in his battle with Visit Wales and the Welsh Government, Andy demands an apology for the five years of diminished business development. Read Here
Why Did Visit Wales Battle Wales Outdoors? They lost, and this is a post detailing the battle. Read Here
Tripadvisor Must Do Better! Our trials and tribulations at the hands of Viator, the management behind experiences on Tripadvisor. Read Here
OTA’s Must Do Better! The trials and tribulations of a tourism operator in Wales. Read Here
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