This is a collated list of previous blog posts describing the actions, emails and complaints made by me regarding Visit Wales and corruption in that department. It’s a top down listing, beginning with the First Minister and ending with data input staff.
This post is a window onto the mammoth efforts I have gone to to see justice done. And justice has not been done. Visit Wales continue to maintain a platform that is discriminatory, that favours some and not others, to the extent that Wales Outdoors is denied a listing on the Visit Wales website while some of our competitors, delivering the same or similar activities, are platformed and promoted. This is highly damaging to us in the tourism marketplace.
I will be posting in a week’s time another collated list, of evidence regarding individual businesses, posted on LinkedIn.
Chairs of the regional tourism forums are aware of this complaint as are the members of the South East Wales Regional Tourism Forum. Industry leaders in Wales not affiliated with Visit Wales and business owners across Wales are also aware of this complaint. Many of those offer support but I believe are ‘afraid’ to speak out, telling me in private that ‘I am done with Visit Wales’ or ‘Visit Wales is a shambles’ or ’Tourism in Wales needs a shake up’, but, it would appear, they are unable to directly or indirectly intervene or to act collectively to demand that ‘shake up’ or even fair play.
It looks like I am just about done. There is little else I can do. However, given the efforts I have put in, I will continue to be a thorn in Visit Wales side, monitoring their platforms and publicly calling them out, over the internet and at public meetings where they paint an undeserved rose-tinted picture of their activities.
UPDATE: It’s the 30th of June and Vaughan is still in post as FM for Wales. This despite him receiving the shocking vote of no confidence against his person in the Senedd. Yes, that’s right, a majority of his peers voted against him in his position as First Minister. In any ‘normal’ democracy this would be fall on your sword time. But not for the shameless shower of politicians that we have governing Wales. Vaughan is going to tough that one out, perhaps saved by the calling of a general election. Perhaps not. I think it quite likely that eventually, Vaughan will have to go.
You can book our walks through the Wales Outdoors Website or, if you are a group, you can book us for a bespoke adventure, you choose the date and time, using the ‘Book Your Guide’ option.
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