The Sleeping Giant
And on the first Sunday of the New Year the walking baton was handed to Graham and he led a very enjoyable wander over the amazing small mountain called Cribarth at the the top end of the Swansea Valley.
Driving from the coast towards mid Wales you'll see, off to the left, the shape of a reclining giant. That's the Cribarth and it's close to Grahams home.
Sleeping Giant Gallery
However, you wouldn't have had a glimpse of the giant on this day, low cloud obscuring the huge profile. But that didn't;t stop Graham and crew and at times, as you can see fro the pics, the weather cleared and fine views from the sides and summit of the hill were to be had.
The Cribarth is Andy's favourite mini mountain in South Wales. It's quarried features, exposed limestone and nearby shake holes make for a dramatic and surprising walk. I'm sure we'll be back later on in the year :)
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