What will they decide to report tomorrow?
Following Plaid's siding with the Welsh Labour cohort it was always a given that an extension to vaccine passes would be passed. That passing occurred on the 9th November and was 'witnessed' by a large crowd of 'No Vaccine Passports' demonstrators.
But there is an opportunity to review the use of passes in Wales. And that takes place today as the time for the three weekly management update comes around and is usually reported on the Friday, tomorrow. It has been indicated that there will be no change at tomorrows briefing, but, and most importantly, ministers are looking at extending Covid passes to pubs and cafe's in time for Christmas...
I said just a week ago that 'it is widely feared that having recieved a thumbs up at the Senedd vote on the 9th it is likely that the Welsh Government will extend restrictions further, into cafes and bars. This is where they want to be, after all.'
What we are seeing is a psy op, a move to front load all with the expectation that pubs and cafes will become covid pass only zones and that once there is a general acceptance the measures will be brought in.
This matters not to the provision of Wales Outdoors but it does impact upon our daily lives and my other business, Life Drawing Wales. However, I've clearly stated in an open letter to Drakeford, sent in March 2020 that I will not be complying with any further covid measures, ever.
I'll be thinking on any changes that those in the Senedd impose upon us and reporting in due course.
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