The Final Piece...
Yes, it's the completion of the Wales Outdoors Website triptych - Wales Walks.
First off we have the main website and bookings engine and of course that's called Wales Outdoors. This has a child which is the community, a space for you to chat to keen walkers in or interested in Wales.
Then we have Wales Indoors, a closely aligned site who's sole purpose is to counter the negative impacts of Covid 19 legislation and offer up some in person (but virtual) meet-ups for the Wales Outdoors team and clients.
And finally, and launched today, we have Wales Walks. The bare bones of the site are in place and this space is waiting for you to add your favourite walks to. It's free, its a resource and it's very easy to use.
So, do have a browse and most particularly do go get listing your favourite walks for others to virtually and perhaps actually enjoy :)
Join Us!