Design flaw?
Or just old age...
My boots failed me when in Yorkshire recently. A bit fell of the sole. The rest of the boot is fine. Just the one bit. But it means that the boots have to go...
So the question I want to ask os when is a boot binned because it got old and worn or when binned because of a design flaw? And... who is responsible for any flaw, if one exists...
The thing is that these boots are a few years old, so well out of warranty. But that doesn't't mean they've been used and abused for a few years. Far from it. I've been wearing them on and off for about a year, prior to that they sat in a cupboard awaiting their release...
And they are/were comfortable, as all Scarpa boots seem to be, at least for me, from the get go.
But I think I've found a flaw... Take a good look at the toe protection and you'll not a rather unnecessary groove in the rubber...
Now take a look at the failed boot. The piece that has come away began to come loose from the front of the boot as the grove turned into a split. This I believe is the design fault and the cause of these boots demise.
So, please Scarpa and all other kit manufacturers... STOP messing about with stuff and putting in design elements that serve no purpose and actually weaken the kit!
Boots are in the bin now. And maybe that's what Scarpa want... Like washing machine manufacturers, perhaps they are building in obsolescence in order to gain more regular repeat business... But that would be the conspiracy theorist in me there... No... Move along... Nothing to see here...
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