Reviews Please :)
We found a plugin that allows us to share the Google and FreeIndex reviews and the Facebook and TripAdvisor review pages easily on this website including within this blog post.
Please do take time out and leave a review or two for us - we think it really does help...
Facebook - Lots of issues with Facebook but still our biggest promotion platform and a space that encourage people to be positive and encourages all through the sharing of travel stories and photos to 'get out there'.
[grw place_photo="" place_name="Wales Outdoors" place_id="ChIJZeoR_CxubkgRGc7pQQBrp4c" pagination="5" text_size="120" refresh_reviews=true lazy_load_img=true reduce_avatars_size=true open_link=true nofollow_link=true]
TripAdvisor - Not our flavour of the month but still a big player in review sites.
Join Us!