Before the Christmas break I wrote to the government for assistance with dealing with Visit Wales. Here is the letter:
This is what they responded with:
Dear Mr Lamb
Thank you for your email of 9 December to the Minister for Economy, I have been asked to reply.
I understand that you are in contact with the Visit Wales team who will be contacting you in the near future with regard to the issues you have raised, including the TXGB and issues around guided walkers.
Kindest regards
So, in my inimitable style, I responded with this:
Is that it? Shouldn't the minister be concerned that VisitWales removed all guided walk providers from the platform, presided over an utter mess of delivering fairness in marketing and that the government’s agents in tourism in Wales, a country that most visitors come to walk in, is not promoting the safest option for visitors, that is walking with qualified guides?Â
I wrote to the minister to have the minister take note and to see sense and to apply pressure on those at VisitWales that has for years provided a sorry service to those who actually work in and deliver tourism resources to visitors.Â
Your response shows that you have not read my submission to the minister. It does not mention TXGB and is not regarding guided walkers but mountain guides who provide guiding services.Â
Please explain why clearly neither you or the minister has taken my representation seriously.
I’ll keep this blog updated with this campaign if/as and when I get results or responses.