Map Apps
This post is for smartphone owners only.
Do not rely upon your phone for mapping. Your phone will fail when out of battery, when wet and when cold... Take a paper backup with you an all trips to the hills.
Links are all desktop - the apps are all available in your App Store. All come highly recommended so get them!
viewranger - - my go to app - why? because it works, it has good customer support and it does the stuff that strata or wikiloks does BUT with OS Maps as a paid for option. - - my go to stripped down map app. Not cluttered, easy to read and follow and FREE!
OS Maps - - The professionals choice but now viewranger have this at the same price it seems a no brainer to go there...
strava - - The runners and cyclists choice - used by Martin :)
wikiloc - - The Walkers choice - used by Al