It Is With Regret
And some considerable anger that I have taken the decision to re-schedule all walks planned in for July to later in the year or into next year. This is in line with predictions of the slow relaxation of covid restrictions in Wales.
The next review is the 19th June and on that date I don't think that we'll be looking at news regarding the opening up of the countryside for groups and as we will then be into July it is very likely that we will need to wait until the second or third review from now before we can, with any likelihood, be delivering guided walks for groups once again.
In line with our policy from the beginning of the lockdown we will not be issuing refunds but we encourage those who have booked spots to take them up on the re-scheduled date or let us know by this Friday that they can't make that date and would like a credit to banked for them. This way we can begin to plan in staff and have good control of numbers once we do start walking again in August.
We apologise for any inconvenience but point you in the direction of the Welsh Government for answers...
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