I Wrote To Mark And Boris
Not with any thought that either Boris or Mark will be back in touch (if they do respond I'll post the response here) but more out of irony and so, with hubris, I'll be able to, at some stage in the future, quite truthfully state 'I told you so'.
'I am writing with regards to my utter dismay at the UK and Welsh governments continued fear mongering with regards to Covid 19.
Please read this - https://jbhandleyblog.com/home/lockdownlunacy
It’s a long blog post but one that I think you two ought to read in full. I then think you both ought to take some time out and consider your futures, consider how history will view your decisions at this time and then go back to the office and, for the health and wellbeing of UK citizens, end this.
People will, in time, know that the Covid 19 outbreak lead to disastrous decisions by governments on a global scale. But we understand. You were scared to be different, the science wasn’t conclusive, your advisors were/are serial catastrophists (I think there might be a problem with the management there as it is the management that employ them, don’t you think?). But it certainly appears to be conclusive now and you remain peddling the fear that so caught you.
Be brave.
Make a decision for the country and have us back at work with minimal restrictions.
Kids in school, as normal - YES
The great outdoors free to use - YES
Bars and cafes open - YES
Health services directed at the elderly, sick and vulnerable - OF COURSE
BUT, there is an opportunity and one that may never arise again…
Life as normal - NO
Make some changes to our society that fundamentally alter the relationship between labour, commerce and the state, not in favour of the 1%, the elites, although I know that is tempting to you and your own, but in favour of the working men and women who, despite working hard and often long hours, have nothing (As of 2017, one in eight UK adults had no cash savings, with a further 32 percent of the population having between zero and two thousand British pounds.).
And Finally, take this opportunity to re-write the green agenda by passing laws that restructure every citizens relationship with their environment, and by their environment I mean 'Our United Kingdom'. I have a raft of ideas that I can help you with on this if you care to listen.
If you do these things you will both, despite your political differences, be hailed as great, as seizing the moment, as doing the right thing in the face of public opinion.
Thank you for your time in reading this.'