This is a copy post that when first published created quite a stir. I 'named and shamed' the businesses that I perceived to be working dangerously. This proved too much for some and my staff were being intimidated by the instructors of the named business whilst out working. I removed the post. Much time has now passed.
It was the weekly observance of poor provision such as described here that led me, eventually, along with the non-assistance from the Adventure Activity Licensing Service in these matters and the imposition of fees to use certain activity locations, payment for access being a line in the sand I will never cross, that led me to walk away, literally, from delivery of adventure activities. I now only deliver mountain walking activities.
I’ll let the original post speak for itself:
If I see activity provision that I feel is wanting, should I say nothing? I believe it is in fact my duty to comment. And comment I have been doing these past 25 years, to no positive effect and with no general debate being raised.
I discuss the issues outlined in this post with outdoor professionals that I meet. I am not alone in thinking that there are suppliers whose provision could do with improving. There is a general consensus. There has been a general consensus for many years. This consensus however has never raised its voice and forced what would be a heated but necessary debate.
It is clearly the case that standards of provision vary amongst adventure activity providers. It is also the case that these varying standards of provision all seem acceptable to the Adventure Activity Licensing Service. The argument has been that 'I have a license so I am a good provider'. This is not the case. You can work to a minimum standard of safety and client care with no regard for the environment or the local economy and still be a licensed activity provider.
My argument has and always will be 'We must work to the highest standards and always chase better practice. We should be working closely together to ensure that there is reduced site conflict and a general agreement on best practice'. Am I to be pilloried because I name and shame following years of provider inaction? A chance I was prepared to take.
Following the demise of the Brecons Beacons National Park Environmental Charter Group, there is no open forum for debate re activity provision within South Wales. I find this site useful for me to get things off my chest, clear my head and focus my business practice. If I wear my heart on my sleeve and say what I think then I at least commend myself.
We all have opinions and it is the broad spread of these opinions that makes life interesting. The following is my opinion, forcefully put, in the hope that I might effect change for the good of participants of adventure activities in South Wales and further afield.
Two weeks after posting Black Mountain Activities changed its practice and now work in a way which is safer and more comfortable for clients. It could be that the blog was responsible or other factors may have had a role to play in the change. Whatever the reasons, it would be good if all looked at their provision and asked are they doing the very best for their clients.
On the 8th April I ran a gorge walk for a youth rugby team and an employee ran the same for a stag party. A professional associate of mine ran the same. The following comments are drawn from discussion with these peers and direct visual observance of the activities on the day.
Adventures, based in Porthcawl had a coach party of mixed age, from about 7 or 8 to mid 30s. Their total group size was 40 plus and this was broken down into about 4 smaller groups although the group maintained close proximity to each other in the gorge.
I followed the tail end up past the wormhole and into a small-cave like area under a huge boulder which leans against the gorge wall. The instructor led the group and offered a sling to his clients. The clients were young and one was standing with her back to a large drop. The sling was not sufficient to drag the girls up this section. This leads me to believe that this instructor did not know the area.
The above section I and others have risk assessed as: follow the group into the 'cave' so as to protect the last person up from a fall backwards - to be able to assist with the climb up and out of the cave by creating steps with knees and pushing - a responsible adult or other instructor would be in front holding the group in a safe place until the instructor exits from the 'cave'.
Not only is such a large group in one location dangerous but having an instructor who does not know the area, overestimates his clients abilities and a group who are wearing possibly unsuitable helmets (surf hats with NO forehead protection) is a recipe for disaster.
Call of the Wild based in Ysradgynlais were at the top end of the Sychrydd gorge. There are two pools. The first pool that we get to is a difficult climb out of the water up a short section by the small waterfall. Some companies jump into this pool but there are ledges and although it is possible to miss these we stopped jumping here years ago because of the risk. CofTW not only jump here (as do many activity companies), but they were climbing up a muddy, loose scramble to the right of the pool (looking downstream), which is unprotected and about 20 foot high. The consequences of a fall here, onto the slab, does not bear thinking about. This is an unnecessary climb as there is a safe and simple exit just a little further downstream.
Yet another activity provider was doing the same as CofTW. Furthermore, they were jumping from the mid part of the streamway, just under the bridge into the top pool. You can touch the bottom of this pool when jumping from halfway up the waterfall. I have only seen them doing this. This is a big jump, from a slippery stance, over a ledge, into a pool that is shallow.
The previous week they were doing this with a mixed aged group when the river levels were so high as to stop me from going anywhere near the pool in question. Here there is a risk of pinning of a client by a triangular section of rock that dips into the raised level of water.
I noticed another gorup approach the waterfall just beyond the wormhole. I looked on in shock as the instructors were nowhere to be seen and the clients were crawling all over this dangerous area.
A boy even started to climb up the fall. This is a very dangerous area. A slip here will send a client into the flow and down a good distance. I know an instructor that has slipped at this location. Not only this but instructors should never allow their clients to lead on where height is to be gained unless this is a controlled and planned part of the day - which in this case it obviously was not.
Eventually the instructors arrived on the scene and regained control of the group.
Black Mountain Activities based in Hay on Wye were out today. They are noted by many providers for issuing a minimum level of kit - just a climbing helmet - and allowing clients to take part in a gorge walk wearing just shorts and t-shirt.
By the way, last year I saw a BMA instructor slip at a small pool where we get clients to traverse and get their head wet. The first, second and third clients all slipped as they followed and the fourth fell and was in severe pain with a suspected broken finger. I witnessed this in amazement. The instructor later approached me and asked if I had any work available for him.....
This was one day in one location and as seen by one company and associated peers.
I seek no commercial advantage by writing this, in fact, it disadvantages me as I certainly will not be flavour of the month with the local providers and my ability to gain sub-contracted work will be diminished. I want the industry to be safer. That's all.