GPS Personal Locator Beacon
OK - I can't find much else that comes close to this so in a month or two I'll be buying one of these. Anyone with any experience or advice or knowing of a better option please do be in touch :)
FOR THE WALES OUTDOORS WALKING GROUP - I will be using this personally a couple of times a year, when on expedition either alone or with just one or two people. By using I mean I will have it with me as a last resort. This means it will be lying in a Wales Outdoors draw not earning it's keep for best part of the year. Wales Outdoors will therefore make this available for rent for group members to take with them on their expeditions. This will help to pay for replacement if damaged or lost and for battery replacement after four years or so of ownership.
We're thinking of £35 per hire per trip of up to two weeks. Longer trips would be £50. We hope that seems fair and certainly it's a good deal cheaper than buying one of these yourself.
Let's have Wales Outdoors, remotely, keep you safe :)
The ACR ResQlink 400 PLB has three levels of signal transmission through GPS positioning, a powerful 406MHz signal and 121.5MHz homing beacon capabilitity.
It has a built-in buoyancy, strobe light and infrared strobe system to facilitate rescues at night or during low visibility.
Easy to use simply deploy the antenna, press the on button and the beacon will do the rest! Rescuers can be guided within 100 meters or less of your location.
Unlike most satellite enabled notification devices, the ACR ResQLink 400 PLB requires no monthly or annual subscription, making it one of the most cost effective GPS enabled emergency beacons available for long term use. In the unfortunate event of needing to use your personal locator beacon, ACR will replace it, free of charge.
Once the PLB has been activated the battery will typically exceeds 24 hours transmitting a GPS signal.
To rent this wonderful piece of kit do email Andy -
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