Coronavirus And Us...
I am confused by the advice, by the instructions, by the tack taken by the UK Government and in fact by all governments... None of it is joined up or makes any sense.
Surely, if we wanted to get through this quickly and with minimum impact we would be 'confined to quarters'. All of us. Only small teams of signed off workers ought to be allowed on the streets and they would be delivering food to those in need. Total lockdown, although economically crippling, would seem the swiftest way to get through this.
But then, this is a virus and no matter what we do it will effect a good proportion of us. So perhaps we should be having corona parties and sharing the virus, actively getting close to those who are coughing and feeling none too good. This way we build up the group immunity that seems to be UK policy.
And keeping schools open is a good thing if this group immunity is desired as schools are and will always be hotbeds of disease. Just think of snivelling kids... I know that if I am going to be ill it's usually in October when I return to work in colleges. I catch something or other from the air in those places...
But the universities are closing down and now the UK Government are stating now is the time to stay at home... Why? Why stay at home when the kids are still at school? Where is the sense in that?
So, until we get clear and sensible advice and until cafes and bars are ordered closed we'll be delivering guided walks in the Great Outdoors every Saturday and Sunday and sometimes during the week too :)
Go get your walk on!
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