Would you like to earn 20% from every person you send to Wales Outdoors?
That’s £12pp!
Would you like a rather nice gallery of images of walks in the South Wales, Wye Valley and Brecon Beacons National Park areas? We can provide this for Snowdon too, so North Wales providers please keep on reading :)
All we would like you to do is add this or similar text to your website and the widget too (we’ll provide the code) and we’ll set you up as a reseller. It’s a five minute job and immediately you are adding value to your guests stay and so ensuring repeat bookings and recommendations.
‘While staying with us we recommend booking a guided walk with our professional guide! Come rain or shine he'll be happy to offer up a highly memorable experience that will have you taking away and sharing your memories of your adventures.’
You’ll be linking to a South Wales based guided walk provider with consistent 5 Star feedback that isn’t just stars, it’s glowing reports of amazing days and the intention to return!
Furthermore, the text and widget are unbranded, all the way through the checkout process too, and when payment has been made we’ll redirect your client back to your website!

Finally, we’ll reciprocate by adding your accommodation or attraction to our soon to be published accommodation and attraction page, FREE OF CHARGE!
For more details or to chat to Andy please Contact Us!
You can book our walks through the Wales Outdoors Website or, if you are a group, you can book us for a bespoke adventure, you choose the date and time, using the ‘Book Your Guide’ option.
1. Subscribing monthly via Substack
2. Making a one-off contribution via BuyMeACoffee
Your support is what allows these articles to keep being created and is enormously appreciated. Thank you.