Are You Insured To Go Walking?
Walking the hills is a sport. Sports in general have dangers. Dangers can often be insured against.
Our walks over 2000ft are led by mountain or moorland leaders with a mountain first aid qualification and some leaders are fully insured. Indeed some leaders have insurance that goes far beyond anything offered up by similar business' and the industry standard. Where a leader has insurance this will be made clear on their leader page. Here's an example :)
This policy example is Andy's and shows that he has liability insurance to 2 million and personal accident insurance cover for clients. This goes above and beyond and we challenge you to find any activity provider that as standard includes personal accident insurance cover.
Our closer to road walks are led by you! Yes, we recruit new leaders from keen and active members of the Wales Outdoors Walking Group and as such, although there is training and encouragement to develop mountain skills, there is more emphasis on experience and local knowledge than on survival in the hills skills.
We regard you as adults and as adults and going for a walk we are simply guides to follow rather than take instruction from. Some leaders will have high levels of insurance, some basic, some, where the risk is lower, none. In all cases your own policy will win out if there is a claim that needs to be made.
We therefore urge you to take out a yearly personal accident policy as the key to recovery from an injury is peace of mind and that can be gained by having a salary or part thereof maintained by your insurance policy.
Protectivity – If out regularly and out with us we recommend that you have a sports accident insurance policy to protect yourself from long term inability to work due to injury.