Identity of the troll has been obscured by xxx.
It’s interesting we had a conversation in 2017 where xxx wanted to join us on a few walks. I think xxx wanted to come out to learn my provision so that he could ‘steal’ the routes and style etc and offer similar. That wouldn’t be the first time I’ve effectively been or there has been attempts to plagiarise me… Xxx was unable to understand the thrust of my argument or indeed his own wrongdoing in trolling the Wales Outdoors meetup event page. Certainly a privileged sense of worth and right and one that I will always call out for what it is.
Xxx Hi Andy would live to be on trip how do I pay to secure my place please
ME Which trip?
Xxx Hi Andy the 8 waterfalls and the sun at on pen y fan please
ME All walks are £10pp. You can book them by clicking on the RSVP button on the meetup event pages. These are popular and sell out quickly though so you need to get in fast
2021 - xxx goes to our meetup group and on David’s Wellington Bomber walk goes off on one stating that he does the walk for free and why do we charge etc. Rude I thought so I messaged him and banned him from the meetup group and this is how that went…
ME You don't have to join us for walks xxx and if you can find free walks then so be it. I'll be removing you from the group as I am fed up with criticism of a group that is very hard work to maintain at two walks every week minimum 52 weeks a year (normal circumstances) and it is a business. A caramel slice in Costa is £2.50, it costs about £0.20p to make. Do you write on Costas Facebook page your dissatisfaction with their charging? Was the leader of your walk a 30 year time served mountain leader with in date mountain first aid. Do you think it is acceptable or indeed sustainable to have a qualified leader incur costs to get to a walk start point and spend a day with strangers for zero income?
Xxx I am a qualified mountain leader and ex forces I am also a qualified cliff rescue member of the HM coastguard it was my walk I was referring to and I do it for free in order to get people out walking not being put off by cost. By the way I don't drink Costa because of the prices they charge. Thanks for removing me from the group you obviously can't take criticism or you don't like advice. I live on the West Coast of Wales and travel 2 hours to the BBNP to host walks FOR FREE.
ME I thought you'd say you don't go to Costa... that is an example xxx not meant as an indication of your personal cake profligacy. You're doing it for free, because you can afford to, displaces the people and business' that that have to do it because it's their job. Think on that Ken. The young leaders that have families to feed... I don't go trolling your advertising or information pages, if you have any. Criticism is good but your criticism was designed to weaken the position of Wales Outdoors by undermining the good work of the leaders who I ensure are well paid for their efforts. And the shame here is that someone with your skills could well have been brought into the fold and could well have been leading walks with the Wales Outdoors team. Saying that though, trolling a business is not something we would want from any leader. So do continue to provide occasional walks for free, continue to try to gather information about walking business and particular walks... But you won't be trolling here anymore and you are not welcome on days out with Wales Outdoors.
Xxx I wouldn't be walking with you anyway as I don't need to pay for the freedom of walking. I wasn't trolling I was merely saying that the cost was a lot for 3 crash site 2 of which are not really worth going to as there is very little or no wreckage and no memorials to see there are 40 crash sites on the Black mountain/BB I personally would have picked better one to take people if they were paying. Oh sorry forgot to say I host walks every weekend not occasionally, and you are right I don't go to Costa at all because of the cost
ME Copy of a previous message from you ‘Hi Andy would live to be on trip how do I pay to secure my place please' And as for hosting free every weekend, because you are wealthy enough to do so, well, shame on you for distorting the marketplace and undermining all of those mountain leaders who need to earn an income...
Xxx I'm not wealthy I'm on an Army pension and my position with HM coastguard is voluntary I just like to give back into the community not about undermining others just think people should be able to walk for free simple
ME An army pension is more than most get xxx So, you have an agenda xxx. In that case it was exactly the right thing to do to ban you from the group. We all give to the community xxx, we just don't grandstand about it. And no one is stopping people walking for free, I'm just stopping people, xxx, from attempting to undermine the good works of others...
Xxx But you are doing the same by undermining the good work that I do except that I do it for free
ME Oh xxx…